If attaining a VBAC might be a challenge, now VBAC hopefuls have another obstacle to overcome. A prior cesarean birth now labels some women with a "pre-existing condition" that may increase her insurance premiums, or in some cases, her insurance company will now refuse to offer her coverage.
"Many insurers consider a Caesarean-section pregnancy a pre-existing condition and refuse to cover women who have had the procedure. From a 2008 New York Times story about a Colorado woman who had Golden Rule Insurance:
'She was turned down because she had given birth by Caesarean section. Having the operation once increases the odds that it will be performed again, and if she became pregnant and needed another Caesarean, Golden Rule did not want to pay for it. A letter from the company explained that if she had been sterilized after the Caesarean, or if she were over 40 and had given birth two or more years before applying, she might have qualified.'"
Read the full story here.