Don't Miss Ricki Lake, Judy Norsigian, Rima Jolivet, and Penny Simkin at the 2010 Mother-Friendly Childbirth Forum
Start planning now to attend the 2010 CIMS Forum in Austin, Texas, Feb. 26-27.

CIMS proudly announces that
acclaimed actress, filmmaker, family advocate and author Ricki Lake, along with 15 distinguished faculty, will address attendees at the 2010 Mother-Friendly Childbirth Forum and Annual Meeting. Lake, an integral figure in the birthing community since the 2007 debut of the documentary
The Business of Being Born and subsequent projects that encourage childbearing women to become informed maternity care consumers, has traveled tirelessly around the United States to discuss the state of the birthing "industry" in an effort to demonstrate how all parents-to-be can benefit from taking a more active role in their birth experiences.
Each year, the CIMS Forum attracts expert faculty from prestigious universities and the nation's leading childbirth advocacy organizations who present the most up-to-date maternity care research to healthcare providers, maternal-child health leaders, and passionate childbirth advocates who are eager to bring evidence-based maternity care practices back to their communities. The information that Forum attendees gain provides an invaluable boost to their efforts to promote healthy birth practices across the nation. The 2010 Forum Program features:
- Hear it first at the 2010 CIMS Forum! Rima Jolivet, CNM, MSN, MPH, symposium project director, Transforming Maternity Care: A High Value Proposition, will present recommendations for achieving a"2020 Vision for a High Quality, High Value Maternity Care System" from Childbirth Connection's 90th Anniversary Symposium's Blueprint for Action. This was developed through concerted multi-stakeholder efforts to provide actionable recommendations for improvement in 11 critical focus areas in order to answer the fundamental question, "Who needs to do what, to, for, and with whom to improve the quality of maternity care over the next five years?"
- Author and Executive Director of Our Bodies Ourselves (OBOS), Judy Norsigian, BA. A renowned leader in efforts to improve women's health, Norsigian has lectured across the country in support of the newest OBOS publication, Our Bodies, Ourselves: Pregnancy and Birth and has taken an active role in the recent legislative efforts to improve healthcare for women and families.
- The iconic Penny Simkin, PT, whose contributions to the childbirth literature, including Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn: The Complete Guide, When Survivors Give Birth: Understanding and Healing the Effects of Early Sexual Abuse on Childbearing Women, and A Simple Guide to Having a Baby, have guided and inspired countless childbearing women and maternity care providers.
- Nancy Lowe, CNM, PhD, FACNM, FAAN, editor of AWHONN's Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing. Lowe will present a U.S. perspective on maternity care that explores the opportunity for fundamental change through national healthcare reform initiatives.
- Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Michael Klein, Raymond De Vries, Henci Goer, Amy Romano, Susan Jenkins, Lisa Summers, and many more!
This program is approved by the International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA) for 13.75 contact hours of continuing education.
Nursing contact hours have been applied for through the Texas Nurses Association, an accredited approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
To learn more about the CIMS Forum, including program details and travel/lodging information, visit the
CIMS website.
*This is NOT a BMV event.